In the event that a department has a large of number of devices to import into the system, they can fill out the first page of the Excel spreadsheet linked below and submit it to the OIT Service Desk for the User Services team to process a bulk import.

  File Modified
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet SnipeIT Asset Upload Template.xlsx Providing clarity on the Model and Model No. fields. Updated the laptop example to a Dell Latitude to provide clarity on what is the Manufacturer vs Model and I also added an iPad to show when a model no. should be used. 2025-02-12 by Dan Lemack

When first opened, the workbook will have two example rows pre-filled. It should look like this:

Some of the columns in this template have drop down lists with pre-filled options:

These columns are listed below with explanations of their respective options.


OptionDescriptionDoes this need a Sub Category?
Computer LabsFor a computer/group of computers in a computer labNo
Workstations (Laptops/Desktops)For a computer (laptop or desktop) assigned to a specific faculty/staff memberNo
PrintersFor printers (whether networked or local)No
Mobile Devices (Phones/Tablets)For tablets, work phones, EBS devices, or any other UCCS-owned mobile device with a cellular connectionNo


Select the building that's the "home" location for the device or where your department is based if remote.

For devices tied to a specific location (devices in storage, lab computers, classroom equipment, TVs/displays in department lobbies/offices, etc.), this should be the building where the device is located. For devices primarily or exclusively used by a single person, this should be set to the building where their office is located.

If the device is used by someone without an office, isn't currently assigned to anyone, or you're otherwise unsure what location it should have, set the location to the building of the department that owns the device.


OptionDescriptionCan it be checked out?
ArchivedFor devices that have been/will be picked up by facilities for disposal/recycling. Any device imported with this status should be updated with facilities work order information (see "How to Archive an Asset")No
In StorageFor devices in storage that currently aren't being used and may need additional work (re-imaging, repairs, etc.) before being ready for useYes
PendingFor devices that have been ordered but not yet deliveredNo
In UseFor devices that are currently being used or are ready to be used without significant additional workYes

The rest of the columns allow you to freely enter text into their fields. Here's what you should enter in each of these columns:

Asset Name:

This should be the device's name. For computers and mobile devices, this name should match what's shown in the device's system information.

For devices that don't have a name already, please give them names based off of the room they're in or the room of the person that manages the device. This name should be a combination of the building's abbreviation, the room number, and the type of device. For example, if El Pomar Center 141 has a printer in it, you should name it something like EPC141-p.

Please search the assets already in SnipeIT to avoid duplicate names.


The device's model name as listed by the manufacturer.


The name of the device's manufacturer.

Please check the assets already in SnipeIT for pre-existing Manufacturer names. If you need to add a new Manufacturer, remove any legal abbreviations at the end the company's name (for example, "Dell Inc." should be entered as "Dell"). If you aren't sure of the manufacturer's name but have the correct model name, SnipeIT will try to automatically pull manufacturer info.

Model No.:

The device's model number if it's separate from the model's name in the "Model" field. Most items don't need this field filled, but feel free to include it if it's relevant for a device. Apple devices commonly have a specific model number to go with the size/storage capacities on their various configurations of MacBooks and iPads.

Serial Number:

The serial number physically listed on the device. For Dell devices, the "ST" or "Service Tag" number is the serial number.

If multiple numbers are listed and you aren't sure which one is the serial number, check the manufacturer's support or warranty website to see which number the manufacturer uses for those purposes.

Room Number:

The room number where the device is located.

For devices tied to a specific location (devices in storage, lab computers, classroom equipment, TVs/displays in department lobbies/offices, etc.), this should be the room where the device is located. For devices primarily or exclusively used by a single person, this should be set to their office.

If the device is used by someone without an office, isn't currently assigned to anyone, or you're otherwise unsure what room number it should have, use the room number of the main office of the department that owns the device. Remote employees should designate "Remote" for their room number.


Any additional notes about the device. (Not required)

Purchase Date:

The date the device was purchased.

If you don't have this exact date for a device, the date the item was received is an acceptable substitute. If needed, OIT can also approximate this date for desktops and laptops.

Purchase Cost:

The amount the device was purchased for.

Checked Out To:

The person who currently uses or manages the device.

This should only be included for devices with the "In Storage" or "Ready to Deploy" status that are actively being used/worked on. List the UCCS username (NOT the full email) of the person who uses/manages the device in this column.

For computer labs, the person who manages the lab should have all of the devices in the lab checked out to them. For devices that are in active use but don't have a clear owner, please check them out to the department's IT liaison.


This should always be "UCCS".

Once your bulk import spreadsheet is finished, please submit it to OIT for import into SnipeIT. We'll reach out to you if we need to clarify any of the information on the sheet before it's imported.

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