This document is public facing.
This document applies to both Windows and Apple computers that are personally owned and UCCS owned Apple computers that were imaged prior to Azure VPN being implemented.
UCCS Managed Devices
For information on how to connect to the UCCS Azure VPN from a UCCS managed device see UCCS Azure VPN on Windows
To Install Azure VPN Client application:
- Install 'Azure VPN Client' app
- Windows: From the Microsoft Store:
Mac: From the Apple Store:
For UCCS owned Macs, you can install the Azure VPN Client from the Self-Service Portal.
- Open Azure VPN Client from Start Menu or Apple Launcher:
- Pin to Start or Taskbar
To Import UCCSVPN Configuration into Azure VPN Client
- Download the AzureVPNClient-UCCS-[lastupdate].xml file below:
- With the application open, select the + button in the bottom left:
Select 'Import'
- Open the file saved from Step 1.
- Review settings and select Save. No changes should be needed.
Select OK on warning for Secondary Profile.
When Azure VPN is set up this way, it will be named "NC VNET". This is normal and does not need to be changed.
Connect by selecting the VPN profile and clicking Connect:
Select Work or School account if prompted.
Enter your UCCS Email credentials to connect.
You will be prompted to use one of your available MFA tools to complete the connection.