Android 12 (and above)

Users cannot connect to the UCCSVPN if they have an android version 12 or higher

VPN Setup
The UCCSVPN connects your UCCS or personal computer to the UCCS campus network from an off-campus location.

Note: Android mobile devices can vary in the look and function of their settings menus, your phone may not reflect these screenshots. The connection settings in Step 5 will apply to all Android based devices. 

Step 1: Open Settings

Locate and select your Settings icon on in your phone's list of Apps. This may look different depending on your phone model but is often represented by a Gear symbol.

Step 2: Open Network & Internet settings:

In the Settings window, select the Network & Internet section:

Step 3: Select VPN settings (or Advanced first):

(If applicable) Select the dropdown menu for Advanced network settings:

Then select the icon for VPN settings:

Step 4: Add new VPN connection:

On the VPN page, select the plus '+' symbol in the top right:

Step 5: Configure new VPN settings:

Configure the VPN profile with the following settings:


Type: L2TP/IPSec PSK

Server Address:

IPSec pre-shared key: UCCS

Username/Password: Your UCCS Email credentials 

No other settings are required for common Android VPN connections.

Select Save once complete.

Step 6: Connect to the VPN

Select the UCCS or UCCSVPN profile listed in your VPN menu:

Verify your credentials are valid and select Connect:

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