Android 12 (and above)
Users cannot connect to the UCCSVPN if they have an android version 12 or higher
VPN Setup |
The UCCSVPN connects your UCCS or personal computer to the UCCS campus network from an off-campus location.
Note: Android mobile devices can vary in the look and function of their settings menus, your phone may not reflect these screenshots. The connection settings in Step 5 will apply to all Android based devices.
Step 1: Open Settings
Locate and select your Settings icon on in your phone's list of Apps. This may look different depending on your phone model but is often represented by a Gear symbol.
Step 2: Open Network & Internet settings:
In the Settings window, select the Network & Internet section:
Step 3: Select VPN settings (or Advanced first):
(If applicable) Select the dropdown menu for Advanced network settings:
Then select the icon for VPN settings:
Step 4: Add new VPN connection:
On the VPN page, select the plus '+' symbol in the top right:
Step 5: Configure new VPN settings:
Configure the VPN profile with the following settings:
Type: L2TP/IPSec PSK
Server Address:
IPSec pre-shared key: UCCS
Username/Password: Your UCCS Email credentials
No other settings are required for common Android VPN connections.
Select Save once complete.
Step 6: Connect to the VPN
Select the UCCS or UCCSVPN profile listed in your VPN menu:
Verify your credentials are valid and select Connect: