VPN Setup
The UCCS VPN connects your UCCS or personal computer to the UCCS campus network and therefore only works off-campus.
- This allows you to access University resources off-campus such as Columbia, CU-SIS or HCM, and OnBase.
- If you are on-campus, please note it will not connect over ethernet, UCCS-Wireless, or UCCS-Guest as the VPN is not needed for on-campus connections.
- You can contact the UCCS OIT Help Desk to confirm the VPN is setup correctly.
Step 1: Open Network Settings
Click the network icon in the task bar, typically located in the lower right side of the screen. Go to the network settings by clicking on the gear icon at the top of the card.
Step 2: Add a VPN Connection
Click on Add Connection to reveal a drop down menu of other connections. Click on Add built-in VPN... to add a VPN connection.
Step 3: Complete Settings and Enter Your Username and Password
Make sure that the settings match the ones listed below. Enter your UCCS username and password, and then click Connect.
Server hostname: uccsvpn.uccs.edu
Service name: UCCS VPN
Provider type: L2TP/IPsec + pre-shared key
Username: Your UCCS Username
Password: Your UCCS Password
Group name: leave blank
Pre-shared key: UCCS
Save identity and password: Turn ON
Step 4: Verify Connection
To verify the VPN connection, open the status bar and click on VPN. The UCCS VPN will show a status of Connected, and you will see a key icon on the network connection.