VPN Setup |
The UCCSVPN connects your UCCS or personal computer to the UCCS campus network from an off-campus location.
For your own safety and the security of UCCS, never establish a VPN connection without proper security software installed or from a public computer.
Step 1: Open Network Preferences
Locate and select your network or wireless icon on the top menu bar, then select Open Network Preferences.
Step 2: Add New Network Connection
In the Network Preferences window, select the + symbol at the bottom. Enter the following fields in the new window, then click Create.
Interface: VPN
VPN Type: L2TP over IPSec
Service Name: UCCSVPN
Step 3: Enter Connection Details
With the new UCCSVPN connection highlighted in the left side menu, enter the following fields:
Configuration: Default
Server Address: uccsvpn.uccs.edu
Account Name: Your UCCS email address (eg. [email protected])
Step 4: Access Authentication Settings
With the new UCCSVPN connection highlighted in the left side menu, Select Authentication Settings...
Step 5: Enter Machine Authentication Shared Secret
Under the Machine Authentication section, enter the following Shared Secret, then press OK.
Shared Secret: UCCS
Step 6: Access UCCSVPN Advanced Settings
With the new UCCSVPN connection highlighted in the left side menu, select Advanced... at the bottom of the window.
Step 7: Enable Send All Traffic Over VPN
In the advanced settings window for UCCSVPN, verify the checkbox for Send all traffic over VPN connection is checked. Select OK.
By default, Disconnect when switching user accounts and Disconnect when user logs out should be checked by default.
Step 8: Apply Settings
Select Apply in the bottom right corner to save all VPN configuration settings.
Note: If you attempt to connect without selecting Apply, you may see the error in the second screenshot below. Select Apply here to continue.
Step 9: Connect Using UCCS Credentials
With the UCCSVPN connection highlighted in the left side menu, select Connect. Enter your UCCS email credentials, then press OK to connect.