Step 1: Browse to the Account Recovery Page

Navigate to and select Update Password

Step 2: Fill out the Update Password Form

  1. You should see your email address under User ID. You may need to sign into your account if it is not present.
  2. In the second box, type in your old password.
  3. In the third and fourth boxes, create and type in a new password. The password requirements are at the bottom of the Update Password page
  4. Press Submit

Password Requirements

Their password needs to meet the following:

At least 12 characters in length

Use a passphrase that is easy to remember, for example: thankyouforattendingUCCS!

You are not required to use special characters or mix upper and low case letters

Cannot contain your first name, last name, UCCS username, or recently used password

If you use special characters, please avoid * @ # % & = : ; ' ? / \ and space

Step 3: Password Change Successful

You should see the below page after a successful password change