The College of Education utilizes an approval process before any content may be published on their website. This work instruction is geared towards COE staff and faculty. COE staff and faculty do not have access to Publish content and must place any updates as In Review along with a summary of the updates in the Revision Log. More details may be found under the Creating a Web Page and Editing a Web Page sections.
Step-by-step guide
Creating a Web Page
- To create a new page, click on the tab that says “Manage” in the top left corner of your computer screen after logging in, this will bring up new menu options in the secondary menu just below the menu where the tab “Manage” is.
2. Select “Content” from the new secondary menu, this will bring you to the “Content” page, this is where you will find a list of current pages on that site.
3. On this page, you will then select the blue button labeled “+ Add content”, this will bring you to a list of page templates for you to select from:
- UCCS Department Directory 2018 page template can be used to list the staff and/or faculty information from multiple departments on one page.
- UCCS Event Page 2018 page template can be used to display information about an ongoing event including the date, time, and location of the event.
- UCCS News Story 2018 page template is used to present information about a current news story.
- UCCS Person Page 2018 page template is used to present information about a staff and/or faculty member including their contact information, title, and biography.
- UCCS Single Page 2018 page template is used for anything other than the rest of the page templates available, this page is very flexible with the type of content that can be displayed and is a good "go to" page template.
- UCCS Staff Page 2018 page template is used to list faculty and/or staff information under one department.
4. After selecting the page template, enter your content accordingly using the content rows available. The content rows available will depend on the page template you selected. Note that a page must have a title and some type of content in order to be published or saved.
5. Once you have finished adding your content, hover over the bottom of the page with your cursor and a menu will pop up, you will then have to select how you want to save the page by toggling the drop-down menu next to the words “save as:”.
- Saving as a Draft will only be able to be viewed by anyone who is logged in, the page is not considered “live”
- Saving as In Review is like saving as a Draft in the sense that the page can only be viewed by users who are logged in; however, this adds the In Review label so that it can be reviewed and then approved for publishing.
Note: For the COE department, users will not have the option to save webpages as Published, they should save the completed page as In Review where it will then be reviewed and published once the page has been approved.
6. After you have selected the save type, click the blue “Save” button and your page is now created.
Editing a Web Page
- To edit an existing page, follow steps 1-2 under “Creating a Web Page” previously listed.
2. Once you are on the “Content” page where all pages on that site are listed, you will select the page you want to edit by either scrolling through the listed pages, or by searching for the title of the page in the search bar located just under the blue button labeled “+ Add content”. Note: The search bar is sensitive to spacing. If you cannot find the page you are looking for, make sure you did not add any extra spaces either between words or after the title.
3. Once you have found the page you want to edit, click “Edit” under the “Operations” column for the page listed and make your changes.
Note: Once logged in you may also navigate to the page and click on the Tasks menu in the upper right-hand corner of your page to enter the Edit View.
4. A summary of the edits must be documented in the Revision Log section on the right-hand side of the screen.
5. To save changes, hover over the bottom of the page and save your new changes as Draft.
- Saving as a Draft will only be able to be viewed by anyone who is logged in, the page is not considered “live”
- Saving as In Review is like saving as a Draft in the sense that the page can only be viewed by users who are logged in; however, this adds the In Review label so that it can be reviewed and then approved for publishing.
Note: For the COE department, users will not have the option to save webpages as Published, they should save the completed page as In Review where it will then be reviewed and published once the page has been approved.
Once you are ready for the page to be reviewed, change the status to In Review.
Note: the In Review status will be available only when the document is saved in a Draft status again.
6. If you make changes but do not want to save them, click on the “View” tab at the top of the editing page, this will keep the page the way it was when it was most recently saved. You may also discard your new draft after creating it.
Archiving a Web Page (Recommended)
- To archive a web page that is no longer needed, navigate to the page you would like to archive either by following steps 1-2 previously mentioned steps under “Editing a Web Page” or by entering the URL of the page you want to archive after being logged in.
2. Once you have found the page you want to archive, click on the name of the page (written in blue text) to bring you to the actual page. If you entered the URL you should already be on the page.
3. In the top right corner of your computer screen, click on the button that says “Tasks”, this will pull up a drop-down menu.
4. From that drop-down menu, select “Archive”. Your page is now archived.
Note: Pages can only be archived if they are currently saved as Published.
Deleting a Web Page (Not Recommended)
Note: Deleting a web page will delete all content on that page, we recommend moving pages to “Archive” instead of deleting them, as any deleted content cannot be recovered.
- Deleting a web page is like editing a web page. Follow steps 1-2 under “Editing a Web Page” previously listed.
2. Once you have found the page you want to delete, instead of clicking “Edit” like you would for editing the page, you will want to click on the arrow next to “Edit” to toggle the button to “Delete”.
3. Once the button has been toggled to “Delete”, click the button. That page has now been deleted.
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