A Landing Page - Action Item is a great way to display content to users on a webpage.
Step-by-step guide
Follow the steps listed below to learn how to add a Landing Page - Action Item content row.
1. After being logged in, navigate to the page where you would like to add the Landing Page - Action Item.
2. From the list of available content rows, select "Landing Page - Action Item".
3. Fill out the required and desired fields (required fields have a red *).
- Fields under "Content Row":
- Title (required)
- Body (optional)
- Icon Color (toggle to select color)
- Fields under "Content Row":
- Fields under "Action Item Cards"
- Icon (optional, get icons from font awesome at https://fontawesome.com/, or for more information visit https://webstyle.uccs.edu/font-awesome)
- Title (required)
- URL (optional)
- Body (optional)
- Fields under "Action Item Cards"
4. If you would like to add another "Action Item Card", at the end of the previously filled out fields, click "Add Landing Page - Action Item Card" .
5. Repeat this process for the desired amount of cards.
6. Save the page. You have now successfully added a Landing Page - Action Item content row.
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