A Landing Page - CTA Card  uses a Landing Page - CTA Card media and is on of Web Services' newest content row. This row is a great way to organize content in a user friendly way on a webpage. 

Step-by-step guide

Follow the steps listed below to learn how to add a Landing Page - CTA Card content row.

I. Creating a CTA Cards Row media type

1. After logging in, hover with your cursor over the tab labeled "Content" in the top left corner of the top menu bar, a drop down menu should appear.

2. From this drop down menu click the tab labeled "Media", this will take you to the media page where a list of current media will appear.

3. On this page, click the blue button labeled "+ Add media".

4. You will then be prompted to select the type of media you would like to add, from the list of available media types select "Landing Page - CTA Card".

3. Fill out the required and desired fields for the CTA Card (options marked with a red * are required).

  • Name - this field will be the name you will use to search when adding your card onto your webpage, this field will not appear on your card. This is a required field.
  • Image - select an image to be displayed on the card, ideal photo size is anything less than 200 KB. This is a required field.
  • Title - this field will be the title displayed on your card. This is a required field.
  • URL - this field allows you to add a button to your card that will take the user to the desired URL.
  • Body - this field is a good place to provide some brief information or teaser content to the user.

4. Once you have finished filling out all the fields, click the blue "Save" button at the bottom of the page. You have now successfully created a CTA Card media.

5. Repeat the above steps for each CTA card you would like to add.

II. Adding your CTA Cards to a page.

1. After logging in, navigate to the page where you would like to add a Landing Page - CTA Card.

2. From the list of available content rows, select "Landing Page - CTA Card".

3. Fill out the required and desired fields.

  • Title - this field will be displayed above your CTA Cards, this is a required field.
  • Body - this field is a good place to provide some brief information or teaser content to the user.
  • CTA Cards media - start typing the name of the CTA Card media that you just created in the previous list of steps, the field will auto-populate with the name once you start typing. Repeat this step for each CTA Card you would like to add. This is a required field.

4. Once you have finished adding all content, save the page. You have now successfully added a Landing Page - CTA Cards content row.