To make a Duo Tone CTA Row follow the steps listed below.

Step-by-step guide

To add a Duo Tone CTA Row a Single Page - Duo Tone CTA media item is required, follow the steps listed below to learn how to make this media.

1. After being logged in, hover over "Content" tab in the top left hand corner.

2. From the drop down menu, click "Media". This will you bring you to the media page where a list of existing media should appear.

3. Once you are on this page, click on the blue "+ Add media" button.

4. Select "Single Page - Duo Tone CTA" from the list of media options.

5. Fill out the required and desired fields (required fields have a red *).

  • The Name will appear on the text section about the Subtitle.
  • An image is required
  • You can place icons over the image, but it is not required.  To do so just place the font awesome ( code for the icon that you like (only add that part of the code that is in quotes, quotes not included).
  • Image Alignment will either place the image on the left or the right
  • For the Image Filter Color, you can select UCCS Gold, UCCS Black, or UCCS Wash Out.  But, each of these options also has the No Filter option.  This will change the text section color, but not place a filter on the image.

6. After you've filled out the fields click save. You have just created a Duo Tone CTA media. 

To place the new Duo Tone CTA media on your page, follow the steps listed below.

1. Navigate to the page where you will be placing your Duo Tone CTA.

2. Select "Single Page - Duo Tone CTA" from the list of content rows.

3. Save the page, you have now successfully added a Duo Tone CTA row. An example of a Duo Tone CTA row is shown below.

Example Duo Tone CTA row

There is no content with the specified labels