To make a List Row with the UCCS K18 Theme follow the steps listed below.

Step-by-step guide

1. After being logged in, navigate to the page where you will be adding the List row.

2. Select "Single Page - List" from the list of available content rows.

3. Fill out required and desired fields (required fields have a red *).

  • The Section Title will appear as the row title.
  • You can upload a Background Image that will appear as the row background image.
  • You can then add an Image Filter with the Image Filter selector over the background image.

4. Underneath "List Items" click "Single Page - List" to add another item for the list, repeat this process for the desired number of items you would like listed.

5. When you have all of your items and all the necessary fields are filled out, save the page. You have now successfully added a List content row. An example of a List is displayed below.

There is no content with the specified labels