A Collection Catalog is used for creating a set of feature items to display in a row.  Please note these function as modals. So please add a description in the body.  
For questions regarding categories names and additional collections please contact [email protected].

Creating Catalog Collection Items

*Where to find

Click "Content" under the Manage tab.

The catalog collection can be found here under the Catalog Collections tab.  

Here you will see a list of the catalog items and the option to add a new item. You will be given the following interface: 

The category names are input by administrators.  You will need to contact Web Services to have your list set up. 

Putting the Collection Together

The Catalog Collection items are built together using a view and can be found under Structure-Views-Catalog Collection 

The items that are of concern are:

  • Display Name: What you want the collection to be called.  Click Display name and then change the Administrative Name. 
  • The "Header" which is the intro text for the row

    Please note when changing headers choose to only change for that particular Collection selecting this block (override).

  • Filter Criteria: Catalog Collection: Settings.  Where you tie your category list to the block for filtering. . Select your category list under "vocabulary"
  • If you want to build additional collections/blocks:
    • click "Add" right under "Displays"
    • Select Block
    • Change the Display Name
    • Change the Settings under Filter Criteria: Catalog collection so that it sorts properly

Please note when making a new block only make changes for that particular Collection by selecting this block (override).

Catalog Collection Row 

Once you have your items made. You can add them as you wish to any page. It is found under content row collection catalog.  You can just leave the default as is unless you have multiple collections in which case you can select the display ID.

If you have further questions please reach out to [email protected]

  • No labels