To make a daily recurring event with the UCCS K18 Theme follow the steps listed below.

Step-by-step guide

1. After being logged in, navigate to the the Event Content type.

2. Scroll Down to the Recurring Event Field 

3 Go to .  This is where you will create the information for the above field.  

  • Click RRule Daily
  • Create your start date by filling out the the area next to dstart.
  • Create your end date by  filling out the the area next to until.

This will generate your output

4.  Copy the text next to rule.toString().  See the highlighted area below. 

5.  Paste it into the empty "Recurring Event" field

6. In the "Event Duration" field indicate how long the event will run for in hours.  Using the hh:mm format. For example, "05:00" signifies 5 hours.

*As a note please still fill out the Start Date and Start End fields.

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