
Joining the eduroam wireless network requires you to meet either one of the two conditions below...

  • You have UCCS Credentials (username including and your password)
    .... or ....
  • You have an account through your home institution, which is a participating institution with eduroam.

If neither of the above apply to you, please visit the UCCS-Guest information page for information regarding guest wireless access.

Step 1: Open Network Connections

Click the networking icon in the system tray, typically located in the lower right side of the screen.

Step 2: Select the Eduroam network

Click the right-arrow to open the list of wireless networks, and choose the Eduroam network, then click Connect.

Note - if you want the computer to remember and save this network so it will automatically connect when in range, check the Connect automatically box.

Step 3: Enter your credentials

Enter your username and password and click OK.

Be sure to include your domain with your username.

Step 4: Verify security certificate

Click Show Certificate Details. The server certificate thumbprint should be displayed. It should match the SHA-1 fingerprint listed below.
If the fingerprint matches, go ahead and click Connect.
NOTE → If the fingerprint does not match, DO NOT trust the certificate! Click Cancel and contact the OIT Service Deskfor assistance.

CPPM Certificate Fingerprint (SHA-1)

SHA-1:  D0 EB 48 59 17 02 E1 38 A7 D3 83 DD 67 E7 F6 28 01 2D A1 CD

If the fingerprint does not match, DO NOT trust the certificate! Click CANCEL and contact the OIT Service Desk.


Step 5: Confirm connection

Your device should now be connected to eduroam.

If you are still having problems connecting, please contact the OIT Service Desk.