What to do if you encountered this email:
The following email has been evaluated and flagged as a scam. If you have received this email, please delete it from your inbox. If you have clicked the link in the email and provided your information, please delete all further communication from them.
Shopping evaluation : You will receive a form that you are required to fill after you visit any location in your area, you will be evaluating and shopping at your desired mall. You are required to evaluate its customer service and quality control after their services are rendered to you. You would require filling a form to rate the employee(s), the form would be given to you after the assignment evaluation. * You will be required to interact with the shop clerk. * You will earn the minimum of $450 per assignment by working as mystery shopper for us and your pay would increase as we have verified you are capable. How many assignment you get per week depends on your efficiency. Your employment packet includes Shopping evaluation form, a training assignment which we will be sending to you after you received payment for the assignment.
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Career Builder
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