Due to the large number of vendors and devices, its hard to list step-by-step instructions for every single device. Here are some suggestions to help...
- In general there should be a Settings menu somewhere (or a Network section) on your device where you can setup a network connection (sometimes called an internet connection)
- Google can helpful! Try googling the name of your device along with "connect to wireless" or "how to connect to wireless"
- You can also check the manufacturers website or documentation
General instructions that may be helpful:
- Find the list of available wireless networks for your device
- Choose eduroam
- Enter your home institute username and password
- For example if you are visiting from Colorado College, enter your Colorado College username and password
- If you are a UCCS faculty/staff/student you would enter your UCCS username and password
Still having trouble? No worries... We are here to help! Contact our Service Desk and they can help you get your device connected.
IT Service Desk Phone: 719-255-4357
IT Service Desk Email: [email protected]
IT Service Desk Online Chat: https://oit.uccs.edu/get-help
IT Service Desk Physical Location: EPC 108 which is the 1st Floor of the El Pomar Center (which is below the Library).