Step 1: Find OneDrive in your Start Menu
Open your start menu and locate the OneDrive application. Click on it to open it.
Step 2: Enter Your UCCS Email Address
Enter your full UCCS email address ([email protected]) and then Sign In.
Step 3: Select Work or School Option
Select the "Work or school" option.
Step 4: Select Next
OneDrive will sign you in and allow you to chance the location of where it will save your files.
Unless you have multiple hard drives in your computer the default location is the best option.
Step 5: Choose Folders to Sync
OneDrive allows you to choose which folders you'd like to sync. By default OneDrive has all folders checked.
After you've picked which folders you'd like to sync select Next.
Step 6: Open your OneDrive Folder
You can choose the option Open my OneDrive at the bottom of the window and the Windows File Explorer will open. You can then see your OneDrive folder and the files in it.