Available wireless networks

Three different wireless networks are present throughout the UCCS campus, each providing a different level of service.

The names of these three wireless networks are eduroam, UCCS-Guest, and UCCS-Wireless.

  • eduroam (secure and encrypted)
    • this is the main wireless network for students, faculty, staff, and guests/visitors who requested a temporary username and password to be able to access this network 
    • this network is available for visitors from other eduroam colleges and universities. they can use their home institution's username and password for access to this wireless network.
  • UCCS-Guest (unsecured and not encrypted - but has an option for guests to be able to join our secure network) 
    • this is our guest network that offers simple, basic internet access
    • traffic on this network is not encrypted. only use this for basic web browsing. do not send sensitive information over this network.
    • if you are a guest and require a secure/encrypted wireless connection, you should request a temporary username and password so you can join the UCCS-Wireless network
  • UCCS-Wireless (secure and encrypted)
    • this wireless network works the same as eduroam but is only for UCCS's students, faculty and staff.

What network should you connect to?

If you meet this condition  -->I have a UCCS username & password because I am a UCCS student/faculty/staff/etc...I don't have a UCCS username & password and I'm not from an eduroam institute...I am visiting from an eduroam participating institute...
Then connect to this wireless network -->

Connect to eduroam

Note - UCCS students, faculty, and staff will use their UCCS [email protected] and password

Guests who requested a temporary username and password will use those credentials.

Connect to UCCS-Guest

Note - you will be directed to a captive portal which will present you various guest access options. You will have the option to stay on the unsecure guest network, or you can request a temporary username and password that you can use to switch over to and access our secure wireless network named UCCS-Wireless.

Connect to eduroam using your home institute username and password

Note - your username must include your domain; for example [email protected]

Detailed instructions (by device type) on how to connect to wireless

First determine which wireless network you are trying to connect to (use the table above to help determine which wireless network to join).

Then choose that network below for detailed step-by-steps instructions based on your device type.

OIT's Wireless website is at https://wireless.uccs.edu

Contact our Service Desk for help

Still having trouble or have questions? No worries... We are here to help! Contact our Service Desk and they can help you get your device connected.

IT Service Desk Phone: 719-255-4357

IT Service Desk Email: [email protected]

IT Service Desk Online Chat: https://oit.uccs.edu/get-help

IT Service Desk Physical Location: EPC 108 which is the 1st Floor of the El Pomar Center (which is below the Library).